Sometimes I wonder if my learning struggles are a result of my learning characteristics or my teacher's failure to teach effectively. Or maybe a little of both. I know I learn slightly different than the majority. As I reflect, I realize I definitely pick and choose my instructors whenever I can. If an instructor fails to be able to modify, adapt to a learner, or teach multiple ways, then I struggle. When my own money is paying for that instructor, then I find an instructor that works for me. In the past when I haven't had the chance to choose my instructor than I have dug deep and used the martial arts principle of Perseverance (or was it me being stubborn). Either way, maybe this is why Perseverance is my favorite principle.

I could go on about my learning struggles for a long time, but instead, let me tell you that I get it.
I GET IT if you struggle to learn.
I GET that not everyone learns the same.
I GET that as an instructor I can't just teach one size fits all.
I GET that I need to tailor my teaching style for you.
Maybe all my struggles in learning are the reason why I imaged I would be a teacher when I was a young kid.
Maybe that is why I completed the process to become a Certified Martial Arts Instructor (under ACMA).
Maybe that is why I became a Certified Master Aviation Instructor (CFI, CFII, MEI, AGI, MCFI).
Maybe that is why I went to school to learn about teaching and completed my Master's Degree in Education (M.Ed).
If you are struggling to learn in one of my classes that I am teaching, please let me know. I will take the time to figure out how you learn best.

Here are some links about learning styles: